Large scale treasury bill and bond issues of key eurozone nations will keep markets nervous in the first quarter. Throughout 2012 European pension funds, insurance companies and other investors will be called upon to fund indebted and recession ridden nations.… Read the rest
Gold and commodity price declines good news
Good news for the global economy at last. Commodity prices from gold and oil to copper and cotton have fallen sharply from their peaks this year and will help manufacturers and importers.
The decline will unnerve producers in Australia, Canada, … Read the rest
Danger spots beyond the eurozone
Events in China, Iran, Mid-East, and the US presidential polls could eclipse the EU crisis
GLOBAL market participants have become so euro-centric that broader economic and geopolitical risks have been placed on the back burner. Despite the seriousness of a … Read the rest
Stock market valuations in bear market
It is dangerous to pick bottoms in bear markets but ahead of normal seasonal rallies in December and January some stock markets are now offering fair value. This assumes earnings declines next year.
Economic and financial risks are recession in … Read the rest