G20 Finance Ministers and central bank governors are spouting weasel words. At the Group of Twenty meeting in Moscow at the weekend, they once again pledged monetary stability and growth. They insisted that they were not in a currency war
Adverse effects of quantitative easing
October 2012:- BEN Bernanke and his fellow blinkered central bankers could once again be sowing the wind for the next global crash, writes Neil Behrmann. The chairman of the Federal Reserve Board is placing the US and global economy … Read the rest
New London developments come on stream as property prices stifle demand
September 2012:- The reason for the surge in completions is that developers boosted construction between 2009 and 2011 on expectations that there would be a boomlet in property demand because of the Olympic Games. According to Drivers Jonas Deloitte’s recent … Read the rest
Beware the scam artist – in a market near you
FRAUDSTERS seem to be finding new and inventive ways to fleece the unwary. So much so that regulators in the US, Europe and Asia are hard pressed in their efforts to cope with frauds that have grown in value from … Read the rest